Average Commute Time for Prince George's County Residents

Prince George's County is a popular destination for commuters due to its large population and convenient location near Washington D.C.. According to the latest data from the U.S. Census Bureau, the average commute time for residents of Prince George's County is 28.

Average Commute Time for Prince George's County Residents

Prince George's County, Maryland, is a popular destination for commuters. With a population of over 900,000 people, it is no surprise that many of its residents choose to drive their own vehicles to work. But what is the average commute time for these drivers? According to the latest data from the U. S.

Census Bureau, the average commute time for Prince George's County residents is 28.2 minutes. This is slightly higher than the national average of 26.6 minutes. The majority of commuters (54%) choose to drive their own vehicles, while the remaining 46% use public transportation. The most popular majors in Prince George County, Maryland, are General Business Administration (4,422 and 13.9%), Other Liberal Arts (26% Sciences), General Studies, 26% Humanities (3,199 and 10.1%), and Information Sciences (3,028 and 9.54%). None of the households in Prince George's County reported speaking a language other than English at home as their primary shared language. The chart below shows homes in Prince George's County, Maryland, distributed among a number of car-ownership groups compared to the national averages for each group.

The most common car-ownership group is those who own two cars (30%), followed by those who own one car (27%). The least common car-ownership group is those who own three or more cars (7%).The table below shows how the average household income in Prince George's County, Maryland, compares to that of its neighboring geographies and matrices. The median household income in Prince George's County is $87,845, which is slightly higher than the national median of $85,716. The chart below illustrates the stock breakdown of the main jobs held by residents of Prince George's County, Maryland. The largest employment sector is government (25%), followed by education (17%), health care and social assistance (14%), and retail trade (11%).

Commuting in Prince George's County: An Overview

Prince George's County is a popular destination for commuters due to its large population and convenient location near Washington D.

C. According to the latest data from the U. Census Bureau, the average commute time for residents of Prince George's County is 28.2 minutes - slightly higher than the national average of 26.6 minutes. Most commuters choose to drive their own vehicles, with 54% opting for this method of transportation.

The remaining 46% use public transportation such as buses or trains. The most popular majors in Prince George County are General Business Administration (13.9%), Other Liberal Arts (26%), General Studies (26%), Humanities (10.1%) and Information Sciences (9.54%). The median household income in Prince George's County is $87,845 - slightly higher than the national median of $85,716. The chart below shows homes in Prince George's County distributed among a number of car-ownership groups compared to the national averages for each group. The least common car-ownership group is those who own three or more cars (7%).


Overall, Prince George's County residents have an average commute time of 28.2 minutes - slightly higher than the national average of 26.6 minutes. Most commuters choose to drive their own vehicles while the remaining 46% use public transportation. With its large population and convenient location near Washington D. C., Prince George's County is an ideal destination for commuters looking for a shorter commute time.

Alissa Contreraz
Alissa Contreraz

Evil internet nerd. Avid zombie scholar. Extreme tv expert. Hipster-friendly zombie practitioner. Unapologetic zombie advocate. Hipster-friendly web geek.

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